Documentation Requirements

Disability Services for Students asks students who request reasonable program modifications and adjustments to describe their disability, their past use of modifications or the disability's likely impact on their educational experiences. Disabilities are those conditions of mind and body which impede the performance of major life functions. These conditions include, but are not limited to, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADD and ADHD, blindness or low vision, chronic illnesses, hearing impairments, learning disabilities, medical conditions, mobility issues, temporary conditions, traumatic brain injury and others.

Types of helpful documentation supportive of such requests include medical records, psycho-educational testing and school records. Qualified Professionals can also fill out our Third Party Documentation form.

If students do not have copies of this type of information, students are still welcome to meet with a Disability Services for Students coordinator to discuss other ways to demonstrate a connection between their disability and any academic barriers they anticipate or are experiencing.

Documentation can provide a valuable tool for helping 六合之家 understand how courses, systems and facilities may present barriers and for planning strategies, including reasonable modifications and adjustments, which facilitate access. Disability Services for Students often uses external documentation to augment conversations with students and to support requests for modifications and adjustments.

Students who have received modifications and accommodations in high school or at other institutions may submit documentation by mail to Disability Services for Students, by fax to (269) 387-0633 or online via and .