Testing Procedures


To have students take exams in our office, we must receive confirmation of the instructor`s approval.  Confirming approval for testing at DSS should be done by submitting the exam submission form. For a student to receive test accommodations in the DSS office, instructors must have received the "Semester Request Review Decision" email, indicating test accommodations. DSS prefers forms and exams be submitted 48 hours or more before the test date, in case of questions. 

Sending Exams to DSS

For each exam that student(s) will take at DSS, instructors need to complete the Exam Submission form after receiving the "Semester Request Review Decision" email, indicating test accommodations and communicating with the student. 

Exams sent to DSS without a form will not be administered, and students will be directed to communicate with the professor or instructor. DSS asks that the form and exam be submitted 48 hours or more before the test date, in case DSS staff members have questions.

Exam Submission Form

Please Note: Submission of the Exam Submission form does NOT create an appointment for a student. Students must schedule their testing appointments (at least seven days in advance) through DSS-Accommodate.


Please note effective as of Fall 2020, the use of Scantrons will no longer be supported by Scanning Services.  DSS will not provide Scantrons for any exams.

Exam Day Process for students

Please note that DSS exam spaces are available during each semester from 8:30 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday, please note that the DSS office is only open from 8 am to 12 pm on Fridays in June and July.

Students must:

  • Present photo identification (Bronco ID card preferred).
  • Turn off all phone(s) or electronic device(s) and place them in provided space during an exam.  NOTE: This provided space is not locked. 
  • Empty all pockets before entering the testing room and place contents in provided space. 
  • Leave purses, wallets, book bags or backpacks and watches in the space provided. Clocks are available upon request. Only the instructor approved materials are permitted in the testing room. 

Fall and Spring Final Exam Week at DSS

Final exams at DSS are proctored at 8 am, 11 am, 2 pm and 5 pm Monday to Thursday of finals week. With faculty approval, the student may schedule Friday exams with the Testing Accommodations Coordinator.


In January 2017, DSS installed a video monitoring system with a camera in each test room which DSS Staff monitor during exams. In the event of a student having any unauthorized technology, notes, or other potential possibilities for suspected academic dishonesty while taking an exam, faculty may specify their own procedures or use our procedures which are:

  • to take the material in question out of the testing room (e.g., cell phone, notes, materials, other technology).
  • take the exam from the student temporarily.
  • make a copy of the exam.
  • give the student the copy of the exam to finish.
  • DSS will Immediately call the Instructor at the phone number provided on the exam submission form. 

It is then up to the instructor how they choose to handle the situation from that point forward. Many instructors choose to come over to talk to the student and some ask for us to send the student to the instructor鈥檚 office after they have completed the exam. Additionally, we can provide digital files of the surveillance for the instructor if given an external hard drive or large USB drive. Please note, these will not be one video file, but many smaller video files.