Monitored Test-out Exam

If you wish to try to test-out of the language requirements that exist for majors and minors in certain programs at 六合之家 or if you are a student in the College of Arts and Sciences, you can take the monitored test-out exam.

Languages in which to test-out:

  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Latin

Things to note:

  • This is not the same test as the language placement test.
  • The monitored test-out exam may be taken only ONCE and must be taken before you begin your first language class at 六合之家.
  • Although some requirements may be fulfilled with the test-out exam, NO CREDIT IS AWARDED. See the retroactive credit policy if you would like to receive credit for your previous language knowledge.

The Nature of the Test-out examination

The monitored test-out exam takes approximately 90 minutes. It is multiple-choice and consists of three parts:

  • Taped listening comprehension
  • Grammar comprehension
  • Reading comprehension

Regardless of background, all students of a particular language take the same exam. Student with minimal exposure will probably find the exam difficult in certain sections, so do your best without spending too much time on any one question.

Taking the Exam

Students must make an appointment to take the test-out exam.

Make an appointment

Test Results

Test results will be available to students within 48 hours after the exam. Please call (269) 387-6240.


Questions concerning your exam results should be directed to the appropriate language advisor.

Languages not offered by the university

The Department of World Languages and Literatures uses the Brigham Young University Foreign Language Achievement Testing Services (FLATS) to allow students to test out of the language requirement for languages not offered at 六合之家. A fee is assessed. The test is proctored by the department and scored by FLATS on a pass/fail basis. A "pass" exempts the student from the 六合之家 language requirement but DOES NOT YIELD CREDITS. If you have any questions or for more information, please call (269) 387-6240.