
4 students sitting in the lobby at Valley 3
The mission of Housing and Residence Life is to foster a supportive, safe, well-maintained residential environment that promotes belonging, academic success and personal development of students.


To be a responsive housing operation providing transformative experiences.


To foster a supportive, safe, well-maintained residential environment that promotes belonging, academic success and personal development of students.


  • Provide learner-focused programmatic opportunities that foster a sense of belonging, student success and community engagement.
  • Enhance services and facilities in response to students' current and future housing needs.
  • Use data to inform progress and measure overall program effectiveness, including student learning and satisfaction.
  • Provide a positive, supportive and learning-focused Housing employment experience.

Student Learning Outcomes

By living on campus, students will...

  • Develop positive, meaningful connections and relationships within their residential community.
  • Be exposed to and gain awareness of individual differences as they engage in a community setting.
  • Gain awareness of how individual actions may affect others, including roommates and the immediate community.
  • Learn self-advocacy, utilizing Housing services and resources as needed for personal, academic and life success.
  • Be able to articulate how living on campus is a positive residential and learning experience that was supportive of their academic pursuits.