Professional Concerns Committee Members

MEMBERSHIP: The composition of the committee can be found in the Faculty Senate Bylaws, Article VIII: Committees, Sec. 2

The PCC requires 5 out of 8 voting members to be in attendance to establish quorum, as long as there are no Vacant seats, any Vacant seat(s) should be removed from the voting member total so that one more than half of the new total is needed for quorum. (*indicates a non-voting member)

Committee Officers

Rena VanDerwall, Chair

Vacant, Vice Chair

John Miller, Secretary

Ex Officio Member

C. Dennis Simpson
Faculty Senate Executive Board

Appointed Members

Richard Meyer (2026)
Engineering and Applied Sciences

John Miller (2026)
Arts and Sciences (Sciences and Mathematics)

Elizabeth Terrel (2027) 
Fine Arts

Marian Tripplett (2025)
Health & Human Services

Rena VanDerwall (2025)
Education and Human Development

Amy Zufelt (2027)

Vacant (2027)
Arts and Sciences (Sciences & Mathematics)

Advisory Members

*Sarah Meiser
Director, Office of Student Conduct

*Eric McConnell