Parkview Master Plan

Parkview Master Plan
In 1998, 六合之家 received proposals from the cities of Kalamazoo and Battle Creek for locating and constructing a new classroom and research building for the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and for relocating the paper pilot plant housed in McCracken Hall. The Battle Creek proposal placed the new facilities near the existing 六合之家 School of Aviation Sciences in Battle Creek.

Plans for developing the Lee Baker Farm were quite extensive. The site had no usable existing utilities or roads. The city committed to improving the local access to the site; the anticipated increase in traffic required the upgrade and widening of Parkview Avenue and Drake Road.

In order to minimize the environmental impact on the adjacent neighborhoods, the university committed to "buffering" development of the property with 70 acres of no-build zone between the campus and the Parkview residential neighborhood. The university also committed to minimizing "light pollution", enforcing environmentally responsible landscaping standards and collecting and filtering all stormwater runoff before allowing it to drain into the watershed.

Parkview Campus Master Plan

2004 Parkview Campus map

Parkview design standards