Apply to Graduate

Monitor your academic progress toward degree completion by logging into Degree Works. Degree Works allows you to see your degree program and how coursework is currently being applied toward your progress for graduation. Degree Works is available to all undergraduate students with a catalog year of 2010 or later.

Application for Graduation Process

  • Contact advisor to clear you for graduation.
  • Login to .
  • Open up self service.
  • Open up all links.
  • Click the down arrow for academic services.
  • Click the link to apply for graduation.
  • Fill out the information and make sure to submit.

Application FOR Graduation deadlines

Applications must be submitted by the deadlines stated below. Earlier submission up to one year before your planned graduation date is strongly encouraged; you may change your graduation date at any point after the audit without paying an additional application fee.

  • April graduation deadline: October 1
  • June graduation deadline: February 1
  • August graduation deadline: February 1
  • December graduation deadline: February 1

Application for Graduation Fee

A $55 fee will be applied to your student account when the application is submitted through Go六合之家.

Additional information

No commencement ceremony is held in August. August graduates are invited to participate in the June commencement ceremony.