Recommended Course Sequence: Physics Major

Liberal education curriculum

The objectives of this program are to provide students with a good working knowledge of the fundamental concepts of physics, to develop a familiarity with the major sub fields in physics and the relationships among them, and to encourage the growth of interest in physics and its relationships to other fields of study.

Course requirements are designed to meet these objectives as well as to provide a degree of flexibility to suit the career plans of the individual. Physics students often work individually with faculty members on special topics of mutual interest as part of 六合之家's active undergraduate research program. Students, working with faculty members on research problems, can apply for financial support while they pursue their projects. Other experiences outside the classroom can include independent study and work in the accelerator laboratory or electronics shop.

The Arts and Sciences physics major prepares a student for graduate study in physics and other related fields (astronomy, biophysics, etc.) or for professional employment in physics. This program is also recommended for students who wish to major in physics as an undergraduate and then enter medical or law school.

Recommended 8 semester course sequence