Dense fall foliage on campus.

All Life is Learning – October 2023

Director's Note

Mark Your Calendars: Estate Planning Awareness Week is October 16-22 

As we prepare to move into the season of giving, we always want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our donors for their unwavering generosity. Many of you know that OLLI at ֮ relies on the invaluable gifts made by our generous donors to continue providing compelling courses, thought-provoking trips, and exciting events, as well as maintain the overall operations of OLLI. Without you, it would be impossible to do what we do as committed OLLI staff and as volunteers.  

There are many ways you can support OLLI, and it is our goal to provide more information (in collaboration with ֮’s University Advancement team) about how you support your lifelong learning community. One way is to consider leaving a legacy that will make a life-changing impact. We have learned some important information heading into National Estate Planning Awareness week that we wanted to share to help you make sure your assets are protected—and will make a difference in the lives of those you care about. 

Over 56% of Americans do not have a will or estate plan in place and, of those that do, over 71% have never made changes to the initial documents. National Estate Planning Awareness Week is an excellent opportunity for you to think about protecting yourself, your assets, and your loved ones. Take some time to review your beneficiary designations, think about creating a will or trust if you don’t already have one, and make certain that you have identified current Durable and Medical Powers of Attorney. Regardless of your health or wealth, every adult should have these critical documents in place. A good rule of thumb is to review your plan every three to five years or after a major life event such as a marriage, retirement, or death of a loved one. This recent  article provides some more insightful advice on estate planning. 

Individuals and families who include the Osher Institute of Lifelong Learning at ֮ in their estate plans are given special recognition and will be admitted as new members of the highly esteemed . If you are interested in learning more, or if you have already provided a gift to OLLI in your will or trust, please contact a member of the University Advancement team at (269) 387-8700. 



There's Still Time to Register! 

Fall registration has gone very well and classes are filling up fast! But don’t worry, there is still time to register for these OLLI courses happening this month: 

  • Ukraine and the Future of Europe: An Update 
  • Antarctica: Where the Little Fellas in Tuxedos Slide on the Ice 
  • The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and Its Effect on Michigan Today 
  • The History and the Literature: "Matrix: A Novel" 
  • Air Zoo: Women in Air and Space 
  • Keeping Your Computer Safe 

Visit our online catalog for more information about the courses above! 

By the way, did you know that OLLI has a waitlist for classes that are full? If a course you are interested in is at capacity, don’t worry—just add your name to the waitlist so we can contact you if a seat opens! On our registration site, you may find the "Add to Waitlist" Button below classes that are full. Click on the button and you will automatically be added to the waitlist. 


Also, don’t forget your parking pass when you have a class on ֮’s campus! Unfortunately, instructors and class liaisons will not have extra parking passes. 



Join our New OLLI Quarterly Gathering for Cards, Games, and Friendship! 

We are thrilled to announce the kick-off of our quarterly OLLI social event! Mark your calendars because on October 26, from 2 to 4 p.m., we're hosting our very first gathering. Whether you're an avid card player, a board game enthusiast, or simply looking to catch up with old friends, this event promises to be an afternoon of fun, laughter, and camaraderie. If you have a favorite game you like to play, feel free to bring it along! 

Event Details: 

  • Date: October 26th, 2023 
  • Time: 2 to 4 p.m. 
  • Location: Milestone Senior Services, 918 Jasper Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49001 

Our quarterly gatherings are designed to bring together OLLI friends, old and new, in an upbeat and inviting atmosphere. Whether you're a seasoned member or just joined our community, you're sure to find a warm welcome and plenty of opportunities to make new likeminded friends. 

What to Expect: 

  • Card and Board Games 
  • Catching Up 
  • Relaxing Atmosphere 

There's no need to RSVP for this event—just show up at Milestone Senior Services on October 26 any time between 2 and 4 p.m. We'll be waiting with open arms and a deck of cards! So, mark your calendars, gather a non-member friend or two, and make plans to attend our very first OLLI Quarterly Gathering. We can't wait to see you there and share in the joy of games, laughter, and friendship! 

Don’t forget – the OLLI Annual Meeting is coming up!

Event: OLLI Annual Meeting  

Date: November 15  

Time: 1 to 3 p.m.  

Location: Girl Scouts Kalamazoo Regional Center, 601 West Maple Street  


  • Short business meeting 
  • Election of Advisory Board members 
  • Speaker: Justin Black, former Seita Scholar 
  • Visit and catch up with OLLI friends 

Registration: You can register now by signing in as a member to our .

Membership and Marketing


Did you know that, as an OLLI member, you are entitled to special benefits that only members can access? For example, how cool is it that Special Interest Groups (SIGs), like Introduction to Film, Readers Theater, German Conversation, and the Edison Resident Scholars Group are free, organized by members, and so incredibly engaging? If you have a special interest that you would like to enjoy with others on a regular basis, all you need to do is let the office know what you want to do, and we will promote it. Perhaps you might like to organize a wine club after taking the online Wine 101 course, a bird-watching group, or a fascinating facts-filled trivia night. One thing we do know, OLLI members like to socialize and expand their minds, so don’t be shy about making some suggestions! 



Why Early Registration Is So Important 

The OLLI Travel Committee and our adventurous trip-taking members were so disappointed that our Lansing trip had to be cancelled, as we did not meet the minimum number of registered participants. This brings to light the necessity of early registrations. The bus company requires that in order to receive a refund, a reservation needs to be cancelled 30 days before the trip date. We understand that when we are in the middle of 90-degree weather, fall trips seem so distant but, as we all know, time has a way of slipping away from us. If you see a trip that piques your curiosity, grab a friend and sign up right away so we can make sure our travelers will have a great time together!     

We are committed to continuing to offer fun, educational trips and hope you will hop on board for a day of Art and Archeology with your fellow travelers in Ann Arbor. As a reminder, this November 11 trip to two of the University of Michigan’s outstanding museums means registration needs to happen ASAP. So, call AAA at 402-513-4386 for Chellie or 402-513-4388 for Dave and join your fellow travelers. More details and registration can be found on the OLLI Travel page; don’t delay—register now!  

OLLI Travelers Meet Cal Street of the Velvelettes on Detroit Trip 

Thirty-five OLLI members had a blast exploring Detroit, where we toured both the Motown Museum and Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History. Enhancing the once-in-a-lifetime experience of the trip, Kalamazoo’s very own Cal Street (a leading member of the popular Velvelettes) joined us on the trip! She reminisced about her unique experiences as part of the Motown family, giving all of our OLLI travelers a better understanding of what happened behind the scenes as an entertainer within the Motown family and the pride and friendships she still treasures. Plus, the Motown Museum gave every person on the trip an autobiography book written by Berry Gordy, the creator of Motown Records. It was a memorable day for sure! 



From Savannah and Charleston to Albuquerque and...the Italian Amalfi Coast! 

We had two very informative presentations from Tracey Schnek, our Premier Travel agent. We know that some were not able to attend, not to worry, we’ve provided a “snapshot” of the exciting upcoming adventures we’ll be embarking on! More information about each of the trips can be found in the descriptions and flyers below.  If you have questions, please contact the Premier Office at (877) 953-8687 or via email


HISTORIC SAVANNAH & CHARLESTON – Fly south on this lovely tour and experience the sweet southern charm of historic Charleston, Savannah and the legendary Jekyll Island Club. You will also take a carriage ride through the quaint seaside town of Beaufort as well as a visit to the scenic St. Simons Island, and so much more! Enjoy a warm welcome from our friends in the south who enjoy life at a much slower pace. Take time to browse for souvenirs, savor delicious southern cuisine, perhaps enjoy a ghost story, or simply stroll along the historic streets filled with exquisite architecture. This tour includes round trip airport transfers between Kalamazoo and the Grand Rapids airport, airfare, professional Tour Director, deluxe motorcoach transportation, 6-night stay (historic districts), 9 meals, baggage handling, and all sightseeing as listed on the . April 26 - May 2, 2024. 

ALBUQUERQUE BALLOON FIESTA – Experience one of the most photographed events in the world! The Balloon Fiesta will amaze you as over 100 multi-colored balloons are released at the mass ascension. You will also tour old town Albuquerque and learn about life in the Southwest, past and present. Enjoy visits to the Pueblo Indian Cultural Center and Los Alamos before heading to the capitol city of Santa Fe. We’ll drive north via the “High Road to Taos” to take in breathtaking views of ancient villages along the Rio Grande and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. You will get a firsthand glimpse into the world of Native American culture and learn about their sacred land, traditions, and folklore. If you are interested in a unique experience like nowhere else in the country, this tour is for you! This tour includes round trip airport transfers between Kalamazoo and the Grand Rapids airport, airfare, professional Tour Director, deluxe motorcoach transportation, 5-night stay (Albuquerque and Santa Fe), 7 meals, baggage handling, and all sightseeing as listed on the . October 4 - 9, 2024. 

HIGHLIGHTS OF ITALY’S AMALFI COAST – Come explore Europe’s most magnificent stretch of coastline and delight in the most breathtaking views in all of Italy! This incredible tour takes you south of Rome for 5 nights and 6 days in Sorrento offering the perfect hub-and-spoke location to visit Amalfi, Ravello, Positano, and Pompeii, with optional tours to Naples and the Isle of Capri. You will stroll through these ancient cities on your walking tours and learn about life on the coast. Each day your journey will wind through scenic drives found nowhere else in the world, as you find yourself surrounded by villages and vineyards. In addition, we’ll visit a cheese factory, take in a limoncello demonstration and tasting, and enjoy delicious Italian cuisine every step of the way. Your last night is spent in Rome to fly out the last day. However, if you want to extend your visit to include a tour of Rome, we offer a 3 day/2 night fully guided extension (for an additional fee), providing you with the opportunity to tour all the famous sights and sounds of Rome. This tour includes round trip airport transfers between Kalamazoo and the Grand Rapids airport, airfare, professional Tour Director, deluxe motorcoach transportation, 6-night stay (Sorrento and Rome), 10 meals, baggage handling, and all sightseeing as listed on the . November 5 - 12, 2024. 3-day post extension to Rome available.

Wellness Moment

Secrets to Vitality Series

Introducing Ron Krapt, age 75.


Rod and Nancy at West Hills
after a Yoga class

I have had the pleasure of knowing Rod as a member of West Hills for 6 or 7 years.  He’s always got a smile on his face and is always on the move, heading to a workout, a tennis league, or almost every other sport you can name. We most often define vitality as a state of being strong, energized, and active, and Rod meets the criteria. I learned that Rod has been involved in athletics since a very young age. Being involved in junior high and high school athletics is how he was first introduced to the benefits of weightlifting, aerobic exercise, and stretching, activities he would incorporate into his lifestyle and maintain to this day. He remembers purchasing his first tennis racquet in 1964 for the outrageous price of $2.30. That wouldn’t buy you a pack of strings today. He would later earn a spot on the Kalamazoo College basketball team and would be involved with the College’s first soccer team in 1968. When he became an educator in the west suburbs of Chicago, Rod and his wife Nancy joined an adult volleyball league, and then he added a basketball league, and a health club membership to the rotation. He’s also played tennis and paddleball from a very young age, and sooner or later, he’ll add pickleball. When he retired, he continued to play tennis but shifted his focus to golf, which is a rule, I think.  


Tyler Norman, Ph.D.
Manager of Corporate Outreach
ACSM Exercise Physiologist
NCFI Corporate Fitness Specialist
West Hills Athletic Club, ֮

The phrases “a rolling stone gathers no moss” and “objects in motion tend to stay in motion” come to mind. And, to round out the physical and recreational aspects of Rod’s vitality, Nancy is the “mover” in the house and influences Rod to take walks almost every day. They visited numerous parks during covid and hiked for miles, and he boasts of having taken 27,000 steps in one day while in Paris. 

As for the other aspects of vitality like nutrition, mental acuity, and social health, he’s intentional in those areas as well. He likes the New York Times crossword, Wordle, and Quordle. He and Nancy do a lot of reading every day, enjoy learning new languages, and are regulars at the public library. He gets plenty of socializing at West Hills Athletic Club because it’s impossible not to. Without “donut Friday,” or “coffee cake Wednesday,” to deal with at the office, he lost 30 lbs. in his first year of retirement, and another 20 during the pandemic. It was the same 30 he gained along with Nancy when she was pregnant, which she had lost, but he had not. Nancy is a positive influence on Rod in every way. He tries to shoot for 4-5 glasses of water per day and has been on a low-salt diet since he was 35. He and Nancy have fruit and granola with lunch every day and eat out less than once per week. Rod would like to order a pizza once and a while, but Nancy says no because his homemade pizza is the best in town. He supplements his diet with glucosamine and turmeric, mostly for the anti-inflammatory effect, a multivitamin, and vitamin D3. Finally, he’s added yoga and balance exercises, and he averages 7 hours of sleep a night. Rod and Nancy are both great examples of how lifestyle can positively affect our vitality as we age! 


Community Connections

A Letter of Thanks to OLLI (from an anonymous member)

For many, including myself, retirement was an on-going goal. After nearly 45 years of employment, I reached that goal. After the going away parties and sighs of relief, suddenly the burning question became, now what? It didn’t take long to realize that I had made few plans, missed my working colleagues, had limited time with my non-retired friends, and in general needed some direction. I tried working part-time, as well as volunteering for various organizations such as the Key Board festival, but this was not a long-term solution. Then Life Long Learning began to take shape at ֮. I tentatively joined and signed up for some classes and felt this was a good step. Then, through the urging of a class acquaintance, I decided to try joining a committee and found the enthusiasm and commitment of our group was contagious. I was hooked. 

Then Life Long Learning became OLLI and things really took off! The opportunities to learn through both classes and trips was amazing. A true appreciation of what museums offer through docent tours, local and world history classes, plays, historic homes, Chicago Symphony to Rock and The Roll Hall of Fame, and the list goes on. I now felt fully engaged in an active retirement lifestyle. However, you know what has been the very best benefit – new friends and acquaintances. Meeting up with friends for classes and always having fun travel companions is the best! 

Our Kalamazoo County communities offer many options and opportunities, but for me, OLLI has proven to be the most fun, fulfilling, and rewarding of all those activities that I either still do or have tried. Thank you, OLLI! 

The Kalamazoo Literacy Council Is Calling All Volunteers!  

The KLC is seeking individuals who have been tutors to share their stories, which may be used as part of our upcoming 50th anniversary celebration in 2024. We are especially interested in volunteers from the 70's, 80's or 90's, but we'd love to hear from all of you! Please contact Abbey at (269) 382-0490 ext. 219 or     

If you're passionate about literacy and would like to become a reading tutor, please register for the November session of tutor training on the KLC . With just a few hours a week, you can help change someone's entire life. 


What is the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute?

The program was initiated under the auspices of the ֮ Emeriti Council and ֮x. OLLI offers intellectually lively and culturally appealing learning experiences. We accomplish this by focusing on intellectual stimulation, personal growth, social engagement and enrichment.  Read more

What do we do?

We offer short courses for one to four weeks. Sessions are usually two hours long. Travel programs are also a part of our offerings. There are no tests and no required homework, just exploring lots of interesting topics.

In the near future we will offer courses in different formats -- noon hour discussions, several sessions in one week, and more evening courses. OLLI courses and activities are developed and produced by its members with the support of the staff of ֮x.

We need your ideas for course topics and instructors. Let us know your suggestions. Call the OLLI office at (269) 387-4157 or send an email. The curriculum committee will review all suggestions.