Sedimentary Geology

Activities at the Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education focus on basic and applied research in sedimentary geology, especially as it relates to Michigan, its geologic history and geological natural resources. For example, we investigate how to:

  • Conduct research to better understand Michigan Basin geological formations as they relate to global geological processes.
  • Develop a detailed documentation and understanding of Michigan鈥檚 subsurface geological deposits. This includes both unconsolidated near-surface glacial deposits and deeper bedrock formations.
  • Identify depositional facies and stratigraphic architecture of Michigan formations using fundamental data such as, cores, drill cuttings and wireline logs in the collection at MGRRE.
  • Make research findings available to the public in a timely way through workshops, seminars and written publications.

Recent Faculty and Student Research

  • "Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Facies and Reservoir Characterization Of Silurian, Niagaran Pinnacle Reef Complexes."
  • "Depositional Systems, Facies Architecture and Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Devonian/Lower Mississippian Sunbury-Berea-Bedford-Ellsworth Stratigraphic interval."
  • "Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Facies and Reservoir Characterization Of Silurian, Salina A-1 Carbonate/A-1 Evaporite stratigraphic interval."
  • "Carbon Sequestration potential and storage capacity for Cambrian through Devonian Saline reservoirs through the Michigan Basin."
  • "Evaluation of Enhanced Oil Recovery Potential using CO2 in Silurian and Devonian Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the Michigan Basin."
  • "Evaluating Facies Types, Total Organic Carbon and Sulfur Isotopes in characterizing the Antrim Shale."
  • "Depositional facies, Diagenetic History and Dolomite Characteristics in the Detroit River Group, Lucas Formation, Richfield Member."
  • "Geochronology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Salina Group using Core Data and Carbon Isotope Chronostratigraphy."
  • "Stratigraphic Architecture, Facies Distribution and Reservoir Properties in the Marshall Sandstone-Michigan 鈥渟tray鈥 Sandstone Sedimentary Sequence."
  • "Mechanical and Mineralogical Properties of the Utica Shale in Michigan as a Reservoir Seal for CO2 Sequestration."
  • "Depositional Facies, Biostratigraphy and Facies Architecture of the Mississippian Bayport-Parma Stratigraphic Interval."

If you are interested in any of our current or past research projects please feel free to contact one of us.