Master of Arts in Educational Leadership Admissions

Deadlines: Applications for the Masters of Arts in educational leadership concentrations of K-12 principal leadership, educational and global leadership and K-12 principal and interscholastic athletic administration are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Students should apply at least 4 weeks in advance of the given semester. 

Admission procedures and requirements

Apply now

Within this online application system applicants must include the following:

  1. Resume or curriculum vita: A resume or curriculum vita is required and must be submitted within the online application.
  2. Written statement: Please prepare a statement which covers the following information, and attach it within the online application:

    In three (3) typed, double-spaced pages or less, address the following four areas (please note that these responses are also viewed as a writing sample):
    • Summarize your prior professional experiences to date; if you are NOT currently employed within a school district, explain how you will have access to such a setting for various assignments, and to a mentor for your required principal internship;
    • Explain why you are applying for this specific program concentration;
    • Describe what type of position you hope to hold upon graduation, if admitted to the program; and
    • Describe any challenges you anticipate if admitted to the program and how you plan to address them.
  3. Education history information and transcripts
    • Applicants must submit an official transcript from the institution from which you received your Bachelor degree, as well as a transcript from institution(s) where any graduate level courses or degrees have been taken/completed.  Applicants are not required to submit an official transcript of courses taken/completed at 六合之家.

The application process for this M.A. does not require GRE test scores or written recommendations.

Questions? Contact the program co-coordinator, Dr. Wayne Stitt