Healthcare Services and Sciences Minor

The minor in healthcare services and sciences is one of the newest programs offered in 六合之家's College of Health and Human Services. First offered in fall 2021, the program is ideal for 六合之家 students in non-health-related programs who are interested in pursuing health-related careers after graduation. It is also a great minor for those pursuing biomedical sciences who want a better understanding of the healthcare environment.

The healthcare services and sciences program will help you understand healthcare industries and how to work successfully in them. You'll learn about healthcare careers, about evidence-based decision making and why it's critically important in the field of healthcare. We also examine the impact of diversity and disparities on health and healthcare.

This minor complements a number of 六合之家 majors like those in biological sciences, management, public administration, exercise science, communications, marketing, psychology, sociology, social work and many others.

We offer our courses face-to-face on campus and online.

Required courses

To complete the minor, you must take the following six courses from the B.S. in Healthcare Services and Sciences. For one course, HSV 2650, you can pass a proficiency exam instead of completing the class.

Required courses

  • HSV 2250 - Lifespan Development Credits: 3 hours

  • HSV 2650 - Information Literacy in the Health Sciences Credits: 3 hours
    (or pass a proficiency examination)

  • HSV 3000 - Research in Health Services Credits: 3 hours

  • HSV 3700 - The Health System and Its Environment Credits: 3 hours

  • HSV 3900 - Core Competencies and Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Credits: 3 hours

  • HSV 4400 - Diversity and Inclusion in Health and Human Services Credits: 3 hours

Student learning outcomes

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the structure and function of the U.S. health delivery systems across the continuum of care. (HSV 3700, HSV 3900)
  2. Use clear and effective oral and written communication skills. This includes health literacy and interprofessional communication. (HSV 2650, HSV 3900)
  3. Use research skills to develop evidence based plans: Formulate questions and uses search skills to develop an evidence-based plan. (HSV 3000)
  4. Describe the physical, mental, emotional, and social patterns of growth, development, and aging with emphasis on considerations for the health student. (HSV 2250)
  5. Apply knowledge about diversity, health disparities, health inequities and cultural humility to inform work in health. (HSV 4400)

Declare your minor

To declare your minor, email and include the following:

  • Name
  • WIN number
  • 六合之家 email address
  • Indicate that you select the healthcare services and sciences minor