Dreaming in color, how Danialle landed an internship at Fiat Fiat Chrysler Automobile

Posted by Danialle Baumgardner on
April 24, 2020
Danialle at a MIX event.

How many internship applications does it take to get an internship? For me, it was around 63 applications. I began my internship search last September. But before I submitted my first application, I updated my resume and cleaned up my portfolio. When I started applying, I had two companies immediately ask me for an online interview. Online interviews typically involve the company giving you a list of questions to respond to and send back to them in a video. 

A few weeks passed, I hadn't received many positive emails. It was a discouraging experience. I was putting myself out there for opportunities, but nothing was happening. From October to February, I applied to every opportunity that my skills could fit. 

At the beginning of February, I interviewed with a small company in NYC. The interview went fantastic! A few days later, they offered me the job. During that week, I had also sent my portfolio to a connection I made at Fiat Chrysler Automobile (FCA).

A little over a week after I was offered the job in NYC, I received an email from FCA. They were impressed by my portfolio and wanted to schedule an interview with their color and materials team. The interview was conducted by a team of six people on Google Hangout. We began the interview by going through three portfolio pieces, followed by a few questions about how I work with people, and then personality-related questions. I received an email from my FCA contact and she told me they really liked me and that I would hear back in a couple of weeks.

Two weeks passed and I decided to send an email to ask about the interview decision status. That day, I was asked to attend a second interview and complete a small project. I had 48 hours to prepare myself for a second interview, complete the small project, and balance homework.

On the day of my second interview, I received a call saying they needed to cancel the interview. At first, I felt panicked and thought that I wasn't getting the position until the circumstances were explained to me. 六合之家 30 minutes after I had ended the first call I received another call from FCA. This time they wanted to offer me the position! Elated doesn't describe the level of excitement I have experienced since getting that call. In a few weeks, I am going to be moving to Detroit to learn more than I can imagine about a job I have been dreaming about for so long!