
During move-in, 六合之家 usually sees a large spike in the amount of waste produced. One of the main contributors to this spike is the cardboard and Styrofoam involved with any move-in. We encourage our students to recycle as much as they can during these times to start the year off with a large amount of waste diverted from the landfill! Below is a list of common recyclable and non-recyclable materials that are abundant during move in, for a more extensive list of what is and is not recycled at 六合之家 follow this link.  Please try to recycle as much as possible, but if you are in doubt, throw it out. 

What we recycle During Move-In


Make sure to breakdown and flatten boxes before recycling.


 Styrofoam #6


Only Styrofoam labeled #6 can be recycled, this type can usually be determined if the item snaps when trying to bend it. Absolutely no packing peanuts are to be recycled.


What We Do Not Recycle

Packing Peanuts 

Any packing peanuts are to be put in the landfill bins. 


Plastic Wrappings

All shrink wrap and other thin plastic film should be put in the landfill. 


Cardboard Carpet Rolls

This cardboard is too saturated with glue and cannot be recycled, they must be put in landfill bins. 



Where to Recycle During Move-in

六合之家 will provide large dumpsters near the residence halls to collect all of the recycling you will need to dispose of during move-in.
