
Faculty in lab

As a learner-centered and discovery-driven institution, 六合之家 values the research of its faculty. The following lists the research interests of faculty members in the Department of Biological Sciences.

Faculty Research Areas

Adjunct Research Areas

  • Nichol Holodick, Ph.D.鈥攊mmunology 
  • Prentiss Jones, Ph. D.鈥攖oxicology
  • Erik Larson, Ph.D.鈥攎olecular and cellular biology 
  • David Linn, Ph.D.鈥拢别耻谤辞辫丑测蝉颈辞濒辞驳测
  • Charles Mackenzie, Ph.D.鈥攖ropical disease
  • Peter Pioli, Ph. D.鈥攊mmunobiology
  • Tom Rothstein, Ph.D.鈥攊mmunology 
  • Gregory VandenHeuvel, Ph.D.鈥攖ranscriptional regulation of kidney development 
  • Richard VanEnk, Ph.D.鈥攎颈肠谤辞产颈辞濒辞驳测
  • Rachel Warga, Ph.D.鈥攄evelopmental biology
  • Mark Webster, Ph.D.鈥攎olecular and cellular biotechnology

Emeriti Research Areas

  • Bruce Bejcek, Ph.D.鈥攃ancer biology
  • Leonard Beuving, Ph.D.鈥攑athology, imaging
  • Richard Brewer, Ph.D.鈥攅cology
  • David Cowan, Ph.D.鈥攅volution, behavioral ecology
  • Joe Engemann, Ph.D.鈥攝oology
  • Robert Eversole, Ph.D.鈥攊nvestigative pathology, Eosinophil, host parasite relationships
  • Leonard Ginsberg, Ph.D.鈥攃ell biology, toxicology
  • Charles Ide, Ph.D.鈥攇ene expression, environmental risk assessment
  • Steven L. Kohler, Ph.D.鈥攑opulation, community ecology, aquatic ecology
  • Stephen B. Malcolm, Ph.D.鈥攅cology, chemical ecology
  • David Reinhold, Ph.D.鈥攂iochemistry, cancer biology
  • Susan Stapleton, Ph.D.鈥攂iochemistry, metabolism