Presenting Data Effectively

The story/stories you tell using the results of your assessments can, (and should), look different depending on the audience, whether it is internal or external, and what the intended message is to be conveyed. Stories for internal audiences may be more informal, and simply include documentation of the results, expected actions to take for improvement, and if those changes made any difference to outcome achievement.

Other stories may be more formal, and intended for an external audience to share assessment cycle results in more appealing ways to engage external stakeholders, for example to entice prospective students, etc. These more formal stories may include graphics, charts and more, to tell the story of the data and engage stakeholders for whatever the intended purpose may be.

The resources below are intended to help you to get started or hone your data presentation skills. If you have questions, or would like more information, let us know.

More Information and Resources

  • - This site provides resources and information related to data visualization techniques. It offers insights, tools, and publications that help individuals and organizations effectively present and communicate data through visual means.
  • - From Dr. Stephanie Evergreen, well-known author, speaker, designer and expert in the field of data visualization and design.
  • - The National Center for Education Statistics blog post is dedicated to discussing the role of data visualization in education agencies. It explores how effective data visualization can assist education agencies in conveying the significance of data to various stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, and the public.

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